Load Supply Truck 2PM July 12th (PreEvent)
We will be loading the supply truck at 2PM on Friday, July 12th at the West UMC Office. 119 Magnolia Park Dr., Suite A, Mooresville, NC 28115
(10 Spaces remaining)
Prep Rooms for BASH - Sunday, July 14th, 9am (PreEvent)
Join us at Mooresville Middle School on Sunday, July 14th at 9AM to help prep the location for BASH!
(50 Spaces remaining)
PreEvent Prep Monday (PreEvent)
Monday, July 15th from 9am-1pm at Mooresville Middle School.
(50 Spaces remaining)
PreEvent Prep Wednesday (PreEvent)
Wednesday, July 17th from 9am-1pm at Mooresville Middle School.
(50 Spaces remaining)
PreEvent Prep Friday (PreEvent)
Friday, July 19th from 9am-1pm at Mooresville Middle School.
(50 Spaces remaining)